Those of you who know me, know I have a
Google Alert on him, have read his
book, gone to his lectures, and let's just say, idolize him. So today I decide to turn left at the end of Thoreau on my Sunday walk, instead of turning right as I usually do and decided to walk down the
bike path. I sometimes think it's safer to walk the streets, in case I run into a "stranger", but today I said, forget it, it's prettier down the bike path and into the woods along the stream and by the blackberry bushes. So I did. And was happily listening to my iPod when a man walking a large black lab came walking towards me. And I knew him. I totally recognized him and just said as he got close, "Oh My God...
TIM!" Well I almost forgot to take the ear buds out, but did, and said something silly probably, and he said, "Well some projects just work out!" Some projects!... like the whole
WWW-thing????? oh well, guess he still lives here and probably along Saddle Club road, where some really nice tear-downs have become lovely brook side mansions. Good for him. Apart from just winning the Draper award, he was also voted the 3rd
Most influential Unitarian for 2006. I like the Unitarian award.
regards all, from
Sue, still a little shaken