Tuesday, January 03, 2006

PowerGramo to record Skype conversations

PowerGramo is a powerful realtime recording solution for Skype. You can record and replay any Skype call easily and simply.
This free download is available for PC platform only at this point. I have not tried it, but thought it sounded very interesting. I listened to a conversation on a blog that had been recorded using it. The conversation was very clear. The directions suggest you transfer the PowerGramo .wav file to an mp3 file using Audacity. If you post to a blogger.com blog, you'll need to save the mp3 file to a web server for blogger to access.

Blog Safety

Blog Safety has many links for teens, parents, teachers and adult bloggers to learn about the benefits of safe blogging. Good tips, rules and advice presented well for teens and parents.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Podcasting - Directions to start

Blogger is not our first choice for weblog-based podcasting. Movable Type and Wordpress are better solutions for many podcasters, because they offer better support for podcasting, more power and greater flexibility.
Nevertheless, many podcasters are finding Blogger to be a good starting place to experiment with podcasting. Blogger is a free service, and getting started is as easy as filling out some forms on the web.
Here's a quick guide to building a podcast with Blogger. You should be able to set up a podcast using Blogger and FeedBurner in about the time it takes for all the images on this page to finish loading!

The directions also suggest you use Audacity (a free download) to create your podcast. You need to link to the saved .MP3 file that you've stored on a server.


seedwiki -to start a wiki or a blog you need an account, accounts are free, with no limits on the number of wikis or blogs or the number of participants the only information required is your name and email address
I've just started a wiki to help keep track of the wireless laptop cart in the BHS library. People will be able to reserve the cart by adding their name to a calendar that I made on the wiki. Others can freely change the page to keep track of the usage of the cart.